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DotAGE offers a wide range of achievements for players to earn while playing the game. These achievements add an extra layer of challenge and excitement to the gaming experience. Below is a list of achievements available in DotAGE, along with details on how to unlock them.

The Burning Trio

float Have 3 Pips Burning at the same time. The Burning Ailment can be acquired in a variety of ways.

I Like Turns

float Play through 100 turns. These can be played over multiple games. You will eventually unlock this achievement over time by playing the game normally. Taking turns quickly will speed up this process.

A Long Journey

float Play 1000 turns. These can be played over multiple games. You will eventually unlock this over time.

A Cursed Village

float Watch 100 Pips die in your games. This can be over multiple games. Pips can die in a variety of ways, including failing events, and not catering for their needs.

Why Me?

float Have a single Pip afflicted by four Ailments at once.

I Remember Well

float Unlock 50% of Memories. As you play through the game you will encounter Events. Completing Events successfully rewards more points than failing, allowing Memories to be unlocked quicker. Additionally, completing runs with high Scores rewards a large amount of Memory Points.

Doom (hopefully) Averted

float Survive a Doom Event. These events are at the end of each page of The Prophecy, and you will encounter one very early on. Survive the Doom Event, either through successfully protecting against it or by surviving the bad outcome of one to unlock this achievement.


float Complete the second Prophecy page. You will reach the second page of The Prophecy after surviving the first page. Protect or survive through the second page until the end to reach the third page and unlock this achievement.

Time flies

float Play for 5 hours.

What is time?

float Play for 50 hours.

This is addicting

float Play for 500 hours.

Not The Usual Pip

float Find a VIP. They can appear during certain Events randomly during the course of the game.

I have more stories

float Unlock a new Elder.

I smell smoke

float Have 10 buildings Burning at once.

It won't budge

float Have a building get stuck.


float Have 10 Garden fields at once in your village.

Plenty of space

float Have 10 Warehouse at once in your village.

Just in case

float Build a Burial Site.

Back to school

float Build a School.

Drama queen

float Build a Theater.

Never too many chickens

float Have 50 Chickens in the village at the same time.

A Rich Pip

float Get a Bourgeois Pip.

Lumberjack King

float Clear the whole terrain from wood.

A Kindergarten

float Have 10 children in your village at once.

That Hurt

float Get a Crippled Pip.

Is this... love?

float Have a Pip get in love.

Stay right there!

float Get a Pillored Pip.

Should have avoided that

float Die of a Deadly event. Events that reach 200 threat or higher are more likely to be Deadly.

Explosive Diarrhea

float Find the Diarrhea Event.

Friends Forever

float Have two Pips become friends.

All that glitters

float Get a Lucky event.

The Unluckiest Pip

float Have a Pip die due to a Thunderstrike.

Completionist's Heaven

float Get ALL Agepedia entries.

No Space Left

float Build something on each free flat tile.


float Complete the research tree in a single run.

Why don't you get a job

float Find or Train a Professional Pip.

A Crowded Place

float Reach 50 Pips in a single game.

Population Overload

float Reach 100 Pips in a single game.

The Seer

float Predict 200 events.

Good job!

float Get 100 Good events.

Up at 3 AM

float Produce 150 Bread in a single turn.

A cure for everything

float Produce 100 Sickness resistance per turn.

Attuned with the forest

float Produce 100 Nature resistance per turn.

Everything is awesome

float Produce 100 Serenity resistance per turn.

The greatest scientist

float Produce 100 Knowledge in a single turn.

Everybody gets a carrot!

float Produce 50 Carrots in a single turn.

Alcohol is bad for you

float Produce Beer.

Never trust anybody

float Reach Fear threat level 7.

I don't feel so well...

float Reach Sickness threat level 7.

Heaven & Hell

float Reach Temperature threat level 7.

The ground is Shaking

float Reach Nature threat level 7.

One more turn!

float Play 10,000 turns.

I remember everything!

float Unlock 100% of Memories.


float Find the Cat VIP.

Tale from the Sea

float Win a game with the Captain.

It's me, Matus!

float Win a game with Matus.


float Win a game without losing a single event.


float Win a game with Randolph.

Listen to the Trees

float Win a game with the Shaman.

He's still here

float Keep the Idiot alive until you win a game.

The Survivor

float Survive the Apocalypse.

The Apocalypse

float Reach the Apocalypse.

A doomed village

float See the Apocalypse Vision.

Be not afraid

float Cure a Pip of the Terrified Ailment.


float Doubt the Domain.


float Trust the Domain.

For me?

float Get a Boon.

Better luck next time

float Lose a game.

The truth

float Complete the third Prophecy page.


float Complete the fourth Prophecy page.

Is this a joke?

float Complete the fifth Prophecy page.

It's getting cold

float Reach the first Winter.

It was him all along!

float Find the Monster Reveal event.