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There are almost 600 Events listed in the Agepedia. They are divided into the following categories: Season, Omen, Misfortune, Good, Weather, Choice, Mini, Boon, and Doom. They are further defined by which Domain can cause the Event, its Level or strength, its Rarity, and its Effects. Choice Events also include Traits and Constraints.

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Season events cannot be influenced, and occur at regular intervals. Each season lasts 35 days.

# Event Effects Rarity Domain Level
002 Spring
  • Enables: Heat Domain
  • Seasonal Threat: 0 + Year
1 Cold 1 to 3
003 Summer
  • Seasonal Threat: 1 + Year
1 Heat 1 to 3
001 Autumn
  • Enables: Cold Domain
  • Seasonal Threat: 1 + Year
1 Heat 1 to 3
004 Winter
  • Seasonal Threat: 2 + Year
1 Cold 1 to 3
005 The Apocalypse
  • Enables: Heat Domain
  • Seasonal Threat: 1 + Year
1 Heat 1 to 3


# Event Effects Constraints Rarity Traits Domain Level
006 Bird Migration
  • Birds disappear from the village area
  • Cataclysm threat +1
2 EventTrait Wild.png Wild Cataclysm 1
008 Beast Migration
  • Animals disappear from the village area
  • Cataclysm threat +1
2 EventTrait Wild.png Wild Cataclysm 1
010 Burning Spark Building: Bonfire 1 EventTrait Fire.png Fire Cataclysm 1
011 Burning Fruits 1 EventTrait Fire.png Fire Heat 2 to 4
014 Vandalism
  • Random Building is dealt 1 damage
  • Fear threat +1
  • Quirk: Criminal
2 Fear 1
016 Strong Winds 1 Cataclysm 1-4
021 Bad Living Conditions 1
Cataclysm 1-2
022 Boils 3 Sickness 5-6
026 Stomachache 1
Sickness 2-4
027 Upset Stomach 3
Sickness 2-4
032 On Strike 1 Fear 3-6
047 Common Cold 1
Cold 1-2
049 Lament For The World 3 Fear 3-5
058 Fit Of Anger 1 Fear 1
059 Crow Sighting 4 EventTrait Wild.png Wild
EventTrait Fear.png Fear
Fear 1
061 Forest Cry 2 EventTrait Fear.png Fear
EventTrait Wild.png Wild
Fear 1
064 Nightmare 2 EventTrait Darkness.png Darkness Fear 1
066 Protest 1 Fear 3-6
067 Schadenfreude 1 Fear 1
071 Heated Grounds 2 Heat 1-6
072 Heatwave 2 EventTrait Fire.png Fire Heat 1-6
073 Heightened Radiance 2 Heat 1-6
074 Gale 2 Cataclysm 1-3
075 Tremors 2 Cataclysm 1-2
076 Quake 2 Cataclysm 2-4
077 Earth's Anger 3 Cataclysm 4-6
078 Bad Hygiene 2 Sickness 1
079 Burp 1
Sickness 1
081 Cough 1
Sickness 1-4
083 Consumption Disease 3
Sickness 4-6
089 Forest Expansion
  • Some Terrains become Forest
  • Cataclysm threat +1
2 Cataclysm 2-4
091 Rock Fall
  • Some Terrains become Mountain
  • Cataclysm threat +1
1 Cataclysm 2-4
105 Why Always Me?
  • Quirk: Unlucky
  • Fear threat +1
2 Fear 1
114 Flu Epidemic 1 Sickness 1-6
115 Rising Tensions 1 Fear 1-6
120 Sunfire 2 EventTrait Fire.png Fire Heat 2-4
121 Frozen Cold 1 Cold 3-6
125 Coastal Flooding 1 Cataclysm 2-4



# Event Effects Constraints Rarity Traits Domain Level
297 Lots Of Birds
  • Birds Flock appears on some Woods Terrains
1 EventTrait Wild.png Wild Cataclysm 1 to 5
298 Wild Critters
  • A group of Animals appears on some Grass Terrains
1 EventTrait Wild.png Wild Cataclysm 1 to 5
299 Wild Beasts
  • A group of Animals appears on some Grass Terrains
1 EventTrait Wild.png Wild Cataclysm 2 to 6
303 Happiness 1 Happiness Fear 1 to 5
324 Lucky Harvest 1 Luck Heat 1 to 4
324 Lucky Harvest
  • Gain some resources
1 Luck Heat 1 to 4
327 Eureka!
  • Gain some Knowledge
Researching 1 Luck Generic 1 to 4
328 Abandoned Tool 1 Luck Generic 1 to 4
329 Wood Surplus Building: Wood 1 Luck Cold 1 to 4
330 Copper Ore Vein
  • Copper Vein appears on some Stones Terrains
3 Earth
Generic 1 to 5
331 Underground Water
  • Underground Water appears on some Flat Terrains
2 Water
Cold 1 to 5
336 Love Potion 2 Love Sickness 2
363 Berries Overgrowth
  • Berry Shrubs appear
1 Plants Heat 1 to 5
399 Efficiency
  • Some active Paper buildings become Efficient for 5 days
2 Ingenuity Generic 1 to 3



# Event Choice 1 Choice 2 Constraints Rarity Traits Domain Level
469 Festival Allow
  • Some Pips become Happy for 5 days
  • Gain some Apple
Min Pips: 6 3
Fear 2-7
470 Instant Promotion Accept
  • 1 Commoner pip gains the Bourgeois class
Politely Refuse 3 Fear 4
471 Adoption Welcome
  • 1 pip is welcomed
Kick Away
  • The pip is kicked away
Sickness 2
476 Cute Kitty Welcome Kill Cat Required 3

Cataclysm 3-5
478 The Stranger Welcome Kick Away Stranger Required 4
Fear 3-5
483 Career Inspiration Accept Politely Refuse
  • Gain some Hope
  • Relationship: Freinds
3 Fear 2-4
484 Pip From The Winter Welcome
  • 1 Pip is welcomed
Kick Away
  • The pip is kicked away
  • Gain some Fabric
2 Cold 3-4
485 Makeshift House Let Them Build
  • Cabin appears
Keep The Resources 3
Fear 1-2
495 Hidden Talent Accept Politely Refuse 3 Fear 2



# Event Effects Constraints Rarity Traits Domain Level
547 Making Room
  • All Dwellings gain space for 1 more Pip
4 Boon Generic 3
552 Animal Growth
  • Wild animals grow twice as fast, and terrains hold twice the amount
2 Boon Generic 2
566 Healthier Crops
  • Crops allow 2 more activations before depleting
3 Boon Generic 1
567 Higher Knowledge
  • Research costs reduced by 10%
2 Boon Generic 4
568 Illness Immunity 4 Boon Generic 7
571 Strongwood 2 Boon Generic 2
574 Doubt The Domain
  • All Buildings become Efficient for 5 days
  • The domain will be angered
3 Boon Generic 6
575 Untested Medicine
  • Dead Pips do not generate Sickness or Fear...
  • ... but Hunger will kill pips
3 Boon Madness Generic 5
576 Wooden Piers
  • Unlocks the Wooden Piers Building
2 Boon Generic 4
578 No Sick Days
  • Sick Pips can now work...
  • ...but the malus is twice as strong
3 Boon Generic 5
