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Ailments are various statuses that can befall Pips. These can be positive, negative, or neutral.

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We used to tell the young Pips all sorts of stories as they grew up, to keep them occupied and away from the dangers of the forest. Being children, they often did not listen.

This effect lasts 4 days whilst a Pip is growing into an adult. This includes creatures as well as villager Pips. They cannot work but will eat the same amount of food as an adult. After 4 days, they will become an adult Pip and this ailment will be removed. Some rare Events and Boons can speed up this process.


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Having a roof over one's head is one of the highest priorities for any Pip. Especially if that roof does not collapse on his head.

This ailment is caused by a Pip not having a suitable home available. They will generate 2 Fear every day until this is remedied. Bourgeoise Pips require specialised housing compared to Commoners.


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An old saying we used to recite: Give a Pip food and he'll work all day. Give a Pip no food and he'll eat your heart out. Old sayings are sometimes strange.

A hungry Pip will generate 2 Sickness each day until they eat food at the end of the day. Bourgeoise will not eat Simple Food, requiring Elaborate Food.


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Sometimes Pips would come into conflict with their fellow villagers and stop production in the name of equality. Oh, the irony! Other Pips would have to work in their place.

This effect causes a Pip to refuse to work for 10 days. A Pip working at the Festival can bring them to their senses early.


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Sometimes the Pips would just wake up and whistle for no apparent reason, content with their simple but dangerous lives. If only they knew about all my visions... well, they eventually found out.

This ailment will generate 1 Hope every day for 5 days.


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Subject to countless diseases, some Pips began to develop a better response to minor ailments. This in turn made the village less risky to live in.

This ailment will generate 1 Health every day for 5 days.


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Living together in such hard times strengthened the bonds between our Pips. A Pip in love could care less about all the death around him!

A romantic Pip will generate 2 Hope every day for 5 days.


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It could get a bit humid in these parts, and the Pips tended not to change their shirts, each having a favourite. That's the way it was.

This ailment lasts 10 days. It can be overridden by Frozen and cured by the Heat services Bonfire, Large Bonfire, Scrub Fire, and Scrub Pyre.


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Yes, our world was full of danger, but not all Pips could get used to it. Sometimes this fear could overwhelm them and lead to paranoid behaviour.

A Pip inflicted with this ailment will generate 2 Fear every day and cannot work. Both effects last for 10 days unless cured by a School.


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The hardships of this life can take their toll on some Pips, and let's not get started in thoughts of the afterlife! Worried Pips need to be reassured that all will be well (even if it probably won't be).

This ailment produces 1 Fear each day unless cured. Distress can be cured at a Park, Relaxing Stand, or Tissue Box.


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The world is full of pointy, slashing, slippery things that can unfortunately make Pips bleed and then die if left untreated. One wonders why everything has to be so dangerous, but that is life, I suppose.

This ailment lasts for 4 days, at the end of which they will die unless cured at the Physician Table or Bandage Desk.


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Sometimes Pips would be hit so hard that they could no longer work. Their wounds had to be treated, otherwise they would just be a burden to everyone else!

A Pip afflicted with injury cannot move or work for 20 days and will generate 1 Sickness each of those days. This can be overridden by Crippled or cured in the Doc House.


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Some diseases could spread quickly in our close-knit community. We took precautions to prevent the spread of illness. Oftentimes, permanently.

This ailment generates 1 Sickness each day and has a 10% chance to infect other Pips with either the Contagious or Sick ailments. This effect lasts forever or until cured in a Hospital.


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The harsh realities of life can take their toll on even the strongest of Pips, leading to a deep sense of sadness and hopelessness.

A Pip with this ailment cannot move or work and will generate 3 Fear every day. This effect lasts forever or until cured in a Pub.


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Death was as common as water in my time, but not all Pips could handle the stress like I could, and were left grieving.

A Pip mourning for a fellow villager cannot move or work and generates 1 Fear every day for 10 days. Another villager can cure them in a Burial Site or Grave. This ailment can be overridden by Depressed.


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The old clothes were quite flammable because of all the little pieces of wood and grass that stuck everywhere.

This ailment prevents affected Pips from working and generates 2 Heat each day for 3 days. Affected Pips will die when the duration ends. Burning can be overridden by Wet and cured at many Cold services or Water sources.


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Sometimes a Pip would skip work, claiming some kind of illness. I never trusted them, as it was usually just a conspiracy to sleep for a few more hours, but when they start puking around .... well, that's a symptom I could understand.

This ailment prevents affected Pips from working and generates 1 Sickness each day for 10 days. It can be cured at a Pharmacist's Stand or Fruit Infuser.


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We still do not know what caused all these poisonings in the old days. Just to be sure, do not eat anything without first testing it on one of the chickens! Yes, meat too.

A poisoned Pip will generate 1 Sickness each day for 10 days. Unless cured in the Apothecary, Grog Apothecary, or Pharmacy, the Pip will die at the end of the duration.


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This ailment...


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The harsh winter weather can be unforgiving and the Pips, caught in the cold, quickly froze to death. Without proper shelter and warmth, their fate was sealed!

A frozen Pip cannot move or work and generates 1 Cold each day. This ailment lasts forever unless overridden by Burning or cured in the Clothmaker, Cloakmaker, or Cloakcraft Workshop.


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We used to punish criminal Pips by subjecting them to public humiliation. It was harsh, but necessary. What? Did it ever work? No, not really.

This ailment prevents affected Pips from moving or working for 40 days. It cannot be overridden or cured.


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Sometimes Pips would be surprised by sudden events, leaving them stunned and disoriented. I'd just leave them out in the open and wait for the effect to pass.

This ailment prevents affected Pips from moving or working for 3 days. It cannot be overridden or cured.


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Some substances could have a very strange effect on Pips, who would start to shout at each other and walk in strange ways. Some Pips would even deliberately seek out this condition!

A drunk Pip cannot work but generates 1 Hope each day for 10 days. It cannot be overridden or cured.


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Pips who had just arrived in the village had to find somewhere to sleep, and often slept outside until they did. After a few days, however, they began to complain about the cold and damp.

A new Pip takes 3 days to settle into the community. If there is no room for them after the duration, they will become Homeless.