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Conditions are statuses related to buildings and workable spaces. They can be positive, negative, or neutral.

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Quote Matus.png

Pips refused to go near some buildings, usually because of some strange superstition they had picked up after hearing it from the doctors.

This condition lasts forever. Abandoned buildings cannot produce or be lived in. This usually results from a requirement of the building being unmet, such as a Clearing path to the Town Center or being adjacent to another building type.


Quote Matus.png

Pips hated walking because their legs were quite short. So they would refuse to travel too far from the village.

This condition lasts forever. Unreachable buildings cannot produce anything. Remember to check that your Dwellings, Signposts, Buoys, and any other buildings with the Road Trait covers all the space you want your Pips to reach.


Quote Matus.png

In my day, summers were very hot. In fact, the smell of burning huts usually announced the arrival of the hot season.

This condition lasts forever and can expand to neighbouring buildings and terrain. Burning buildings generate 2 Heat each day, receive 1 damage each turn, cannot produce, and cannot be worked or lived in. This condition can be overridden by Flooded or cured with 2 Water or randomly by Water Events.


Quote Matus.png

The buildings we have today can be very sturdy, but in my day we did not have the luxury of time. We just scraped together a few pieces of wood and called it a day.

This condition lasts forever unless cured with 1 Plank. Crumbling buildings receive 1 damage each turn.


Quote Matus.png

I remember my feet getting wet as I entered flooded buildings. I also remember seeing fish and sometimes a frog moving around. I swear I saw a shark once.

This condition lasts forever unless cured with 1 Paper or randomly by Fire Events. It can be overridden by Frozen. A flooded building cannot produce and nobody can live there. If a Pip tries to work inside anyway, they will receive the Wet Ailment.


Quote Matus.png

In the harshest winters, some buildings would suddenly stop working! We used to heat them up by covering them with our blankets.

This condition lasts forever unless cured with 1 Fabric or randomly by Fire Events. It can be overridden by Burning. A frozen building cannot produce and nobody can work there. Each affected building will also generate 1 Cold each day.


Quote Matus.png

I am not sure if it was some sort of magic, or if Pips could have been much more efficient from the start, but chose not to.

This condition lasts 5 days and causes affected buildings to produce 100% more Resources.


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For some reason, Pips could not resist touching everything in these poisoned buildings, and they rarely washed their hands.

This condition lasts forever unless cured with 1 Antidote. Affected buildings can spread this condition to its neighbours, generates 1 Sickness each day, and adds the Poisoned ailment to Pips working inside.


Quote Matus.png

We quickly learnt that some crops would only grow in certain seasons. Lazy seeds, I say! We Pips worked all year round!

This condition lasts forever, or at least until the building is in-season again. Affected buildings cannot produce.