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There are five Seasons in DotAGE. The classic four - Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter - repeat twice before the special Apocalypse season happens. Each season has a different length depending on the Difficulty Level and the year in-game. In Normal mode, there are 311 days or turns total until the end of the Apocalypse. Off-Season buildings will not produce if it is not the appropriate season, such as Pumpkins if the current season is not Autumn.

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Spring lasts 35 days in both years 1 and 2.


Summer lasts 35 days in year 1 and 45 days in year 2.


Autumn lasts 45 days in year 1 and 35 days in year 2.


Winter lasts 20 days in year 1 and 30 days in year 2.


Apocalypse happens after Winter year 2 and lasts 30 days.