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Info icon.pngInfo
Raw icon.png Raw
Metalwork icon.png Metalwork
Smith icon.png Smith
Hitpoints icon.png 4
Cost icon.pngBuild
5 Days icon.png
8 Stone icon.png
4 Plank icon.png
Buildable Cobblestone.png Buildable: Cobblestone
Trait tag.png Traits
Requires Mining Within 2.png Requires Mining Within 2
Requires Cobblestone Path to Dwelling.png Requires Cobblestone Path to Dwelling
Attracts- Explosion events.png Attracts Explosion events
Production icon.png Production
Days icon.png 1
Handyman icon.png
2Iron ore icon.png
2Wood icon.png
Production Arrow icon.png
2Iron Bar Icon.png
4Heat icon.png
Days icon.png 1
Handyman icon.png
2Copper ore icon.png
2Wood icon.png
Production Arrow icon.png
3Copper Bar Icon.png
4Heat icon.png

Smeltery is a building that can be worked by a smith to produce either copper bars or iron bars, along with heat. It is an upgrade for furnace. Note that it requires mining with 2, compared to Furnace's 1, giving you the opportunity to rearrange buildings in the area, if desired.

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Quote Matus.png

The heat emanating from the forge was unbearable for most Pips, so only the bravest smiths dared to enter. They liked it for that very reason, as no one dared disturb them.