Metal Brickmaker

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Metal Brickmaker
Info icon.pngInfo
Raw icon.png Raw
Stone gathering icon.png Stone Gathering
Miner icon.png Miner
Hitpoints icon.png 4
Cost icon.pngBuild
5 Days icon.png
10 Stone icon.png
4 Copper bar icon.png
Buildable Cobblestone.png Buildable: Cobblestone
Trait tag.png Traits
Mechanical icon.png Mechanical
+1 if Copper Ore maker within 1.png +1 if Copper Ore maker within 1
Requires Cobblestone Path to Dwelling.png Requires Cobblestone Path to Dwelling
Production icon.png Production
Days icon.png 1
Handyman icon.png
2Copper ore icon.png
Production Arrow icon.png
1Brick icon.png
Days icon.png 1
Handyman icon.png
1Iron ore icon.png
Production Arrow icon.png
1Brick icon.png

Metal Brickmaker is a building that can be worked by a miner to produce bricks from copper or iron.

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Quote Matus.png

Each of these bricks could weigh more than an adult Pip, which proved useful in ensuring that our buildings would not shake during earthquakes.

See Also

Brickmaker Lodge
Brick Kneader