Hemp Wood Maker

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Hemp Wood Maker
Info icon.pngInfo
Raw icon.pngRaw
Wood Gathering icon.pngWood Gathering
Knifemaster icon.pngKnifemaster
Hitpoints icon.png3
Cost icon.pngBuild
5 Days icon.png
9 Wood icon.png4 Hemp icon.png
Buildable Clearing.png Buildable: Clearing
Trait tag.png Traits
+4 if Hemp maker within 1.png +4 if Hemp maker within 1
Production icon.png Production
Days icon.png 1
Knifemaster icon.png
Icon blank.png
Production Arrow icon.png
6Wood icon.png

Hemp Wood Maker is a building that is an upgrade to the wood stack, and can be worked by a knifemaster to produce wood.

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Quote Matus.png

I remember when some Pips came up with the idea of making wood out of hemp. I thought they were crazy, but the end result was not too bad.