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The Hints page of the Agepedia includes over 100 different tips and hints about various aspects of the game, how to play, and how to win! There are also 61 quick tips (as of January 2024) on the pause menu.

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List of Short Hints

You can build pavements and till the soil below buildings
Dismantling a building will usually return half of the resources
Repairing a building costs half of the resources used to build it
Select icons in the village recaps to cycle your Pips
You can rename your Pips in the Pips recap menu
You can grow trees even if off-season, but they won't produce anything
Hold the Shift key to plan multiple buildings at once
If Professionals are all busy, hold the Control key while selecting a Building to remove one of them from its current task
You can untrain a Pip in the Pips recap menu
Higher class Pips will not work if hungry
Higher class Pips won't work when idling
Hunger does not kill Pips, usually
Cats are lovely, aren't they?
Remember to take a break sometimes; it's a turn-based game after all
When selecting a building, the closest Pip will be assigned
Matus hates slackers
Abandoned buildings do not count towards bonuses
The larger your village, the fiercer some events become
Select resources to highlight what buildings use them
Resources are produced and consumed before considering the cap
Use the Food tab to disable some food from being eaten by anybody
Wild creatures appear every few days
You need just one creature for child creatures to appear in your animal dwellings
Pippins inherit the appearance of their parents
No more than one Pippin can grow in a building at once
Some events appear regardless of the Domain
The higher the Danger, the stronger events become
The Elder keeps the prophecy in his pocket
Bonuses on buildings stack
You can build even if you do not have a pavement yet, it will be built as well
Hold the Shift key to select Pips and see their details
If you cannot defend from events, try to research stronger buildings
Do not waste turns. The Apocalypse is coming!
All Omens rise the Threat of Domains
Commoners can still eat Middle food, if needed
Food is distributed trying to keep equal reserves
Hover on Dwellings and Road Posts to see their range
Hover on Dwellings and their free dwellers will run home
The higher the Threat, the more Protection is needed to reach 100% probability for Good Events
Pips can catch a fish with their bare hands
Select a log at the bottom of the screen to focus on the related item
Crops and Fruits replenish at the start of each season
The needed Protection above the Danger is three times the current Threat production
A Cat is a nice cure for depression, you should get one
Never leave a Pippin alone with scissors
The early bird catches the worm
Contagious Pips are better cured right away
Nature events tend to damage your buildings
Be wary of available space, the valley is small
You can click on this hint to get new hints
Pips need to eat once per day
Buildings consider diagonal tiles as being at a distance of 2 for bonuses
Buildings ignore other buildings outside of your village borders for bonuses
*When building on unwalkable terrains, you will be able to build one tile farther than the village borders
The borders of the village update with road-related buildings
Sick Pips cannot work
The music you hear is real medieval music!
Do not trust strangers
Prepare for winter, as food will be scarce
All Pips can have babies
Pippins cannot work until they become adults

* Outdated hint

Tips & Hints Section

See Also