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How do you train a Pip / make a new Pip?

  • Most game actions are performed by right clicking on a Building. Try clicking on a building where a Professional can work to train a new one, or a Dwelling to make a new Pippin.

How can I increase the building range of my village?

  • All buildings with the Road trait enlarge the village area. Build more Dwellings, and especially build more Signposts, as they enlarge your area even more.

Does the Wet ailment do anything?

  • The Wet ailment has no effect by itself, but many strong events have it as a requirement

How can I get food from Chicken?

  • By themselves, Chicken do nothing, you need a building to extract Eggs from them, or use Butchers to transform them into meat.

How does the range of Building Traits (such as 'Requires Dwelling Within 2') work?

  • The range counts orthogonal tiles (i.e. vertical and horizontal, no diagonals), and they must be walkable.
  • Forests, Mountains, and Water tiles block building range for what concerns building Traits.
  • Fishers use a special logic that allows them to swim, however.

How does the "Requires Cobblestone/Clearing Path to X" work?

  • These traits require you to build a completely connected path using pavements from one Building to another Building.
  • The path must start from the first building and connect to the other one, and both must have the correct pavement below.

I am playing Santa / playing with Snow and buildings produce 0!

  • Snow reduces the output of any building on top of it by 1. Try to find a way around that!

Argh! Game is too hard / too easy!

  • The game has no hidden adjustment mechanism, as I dislike those in games.
  • The difficulty varies greatly depending on your first turns, playstyle, strategy and general experience with similar games.
  • If you are here for some cozy village building, try the easy or even relax mode.
  • If you are an optimizer, you will probably want to try hard mode first.
  • Normal mode should be beatable after a few tries, even if you have never played a similar game before, so if you can snowball (and you can snowball a lot here), good for you! Have you tried challenge mode?

Y event / building / boon is unbalanced!

  • Please come on Discord here: https://discord.gg/JhNAurxQsY, use the report button, or post in this forum, I'm looking for feedback for the next balance updates!

Why don't you add X mechanic?

  • For discussing new content, check out the game's Discord where we talk about new ideas!

Advanced Controls

How can I disable Pips / Animals from eating a specific food?

  • Access the Food tab on the top left. You can disable a specific Food from being eaten by Pips or Animals independently.

How to Untrain a Pip from a Profession?

  • Hold *shift* and right click on a Pip to select him. You can untrain them with the menu that appears on him, or with the menu that appears on the right.
  • You can also untrain Pips in the Pips Recap menu
  • This also works for Demoting a Bourgeoise Pip

How to place multiple buildings without re-selecting them?

  • Hold *shift* while placing buildings to enter multi-placement mode

How to select a specific Pip for an action / to be cured?

  • Hold *alt* to enter "pip picking mode", which allows you to select a specific Pip for any action. Hold *alt* while performing a Cure action to first select the worker, and then the patients!

How can I force an action to be performed even if there are no Pips available?

  • You can try holding *ctrl* and clicking the action, or holding the button for the action down for a second, and the game will try to *force* the action, eventually freeing another Pip from their job if needed.

How can I see what Ailments a specific Pip has?

  • Hold *shift* and right click on a Pip to select him, and see their details on the menu that appears on the right

Go to the Pip Recap menu and find the Pip

How can I find a specific building on the map? There are several ways to do so:

  • Hold *shift* while clicking on a Building in your Building Construction menu below to jump to the selected building
  • Click on a Resource in your Pool to highlight all buildings that are currently producing or consuming that resource
  • Hold *shift* while clicking on a Resource in your Pool to jump to a building that is currently producing or consuming it. Otherwise, click on a Building Type in the Buildings tab on the top left to highlight all related buildings. This behaviour can be toggled with the above one in the settings.

Hold *shift* while clicking on a Building Type in the Buildings tab on the top left to jump to a related building

How can I find a Pip with a specific Ailment / Job / Class on the map?

  • Click on a specific Ailment / Job / Class in sub-menus in the top right to highlight all such Pips on the map. Hold *shift* while clicking on a specific Ailment / Job / Class in sub-menus in the top right to jump to them. This behaviour can be toggled with the above one in the settings.

How can I Speed Up the game? Turns are too slow!

  • Turn on "Fast Pass Turn" in your Game settings. This will reduce most waits as you pass the turn and make Pips run very fast when you pass the turn. It is a good option to use if you want the game to be faster while still watching the animations.
  • Turn on "SUPER Fast Pass Turn" in your Game settings if that is not enough. This will make the game super-fast by merging all event effects, and skipping even more animations, but it is advised only for players that know the game, as while all information is still shown, you might miss some happenings due to the speed.

How can I place multiple buildings at once?

  • Hold SHIFT while placing buildings to not close the building menu

How can I disable a food from being eaten?

  • Click on the Food tab on the top-left to access a menu that lets you disable specific food from being eaten either by Pips or Animals